The UK longitudinal small business survey (UKLSBS)
The Department of Business Innovation and Skills supported by a number of other Departments and Agencies recently commissioned the first wave of the UK Longitudinal Small Business Survey or LSBS. Covering around 15,500 respondents the LSBS builds on previous Small Business Surveys but is broader in scope and larger in size. Anonymised data from the first wave of the LSBS will be deposited in the UK Data Archive in March/April 2016 following the publication of the initial analysis report by the Department. Click here for a link to the LSBS User Group and additional resources. This means data will be available for an ERC-GT research programme with Year 2 data available in March 2017.
The UKLSBS covers the following themes in 2015:
- About the business
- Employment
- Exports
- Business capabilities
- Obstacles
- Finance
- Pensions
- Innovation
- Business support
- Training
- Technology
- Turnover
- Future intentions
Many of these themes will be a regular feature of the survey. Additional topics in 2016 will include social enterprise. ERC are part of the Steering Group for this survey and run the Survey User Group.