The Irish Innovation Panel (IIP) provides data on the innovation activity of manufacturing plants in Ireland and Northern Ireland over the period 1994 to 2011. The Panel comprises seven surveys or waves conducted using similar survey methodologies and common questions. Each of the surveys covers the innovation activities of plants with 10 or more employees over a three-year reference period. This page provides a link to a number of resources related to the data set including survey questionnaires and summary reports.
Survey questionnaires relating to the various waves of the IIP can be found at the links below:
The questionnaire for the most recent wave of the IIP is very similar to that for wave 6.
Earlier waves of the IIP were documented in a series of related research reports and we include links to each of these below
Subsequent waves of the IIP have been documented in related academic research papers.
If you are interested in using the IIP data or for more information about the IIP please contact either Stephen Roper (, Nola Hewitt-Dundas ( or Jim Love (