Innovation and local growth workshop
The Shard
32 London Bridge Street
May 18, 2015 13:00 - May 18, 2015 17:00
Innovative firms are more profitable, more productive and more resilient. Promoting innovation among existing firms and encouraging innovative entrepreneurship is therefore central to driving local growth. This workshop will provide new insights into the geography of innovation across the UK, the strengths and weaknesses of local innovation eco-systems and support mechanisms, and a comparison of local innovation dynamics in the UK and USA. The workshop will be of interest to those involved in the analysis and promotion of local growth and business development.
Stephen Roper
Director - ERC
Stephen Roper is Professor of Enterprise at Warwick Business School, Director of the Enterprise Research Centre - ERC ( and Co-Director of the National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE)
James H Love
Professor of International Business.
Jim Love Is Professor of International Business at Leeds University Business School. He previously held Chairs in international business and economics at Aston, Birmingham and Warwick Universities, and earlier worked in the economics department at Strathclyde University. His background is in applied microeconomics, principally in the fields of international business and innovation. Most of his work is empirical, using firm-level datasets. Jim is a senior researcher in the Enterprise Research Centre, an independent research organisation which conducts policy-relevant research on SME growth and development. His work here is innovation, exporting and growth in SMEs
Karen Bonner
Senior Economist
Karen is a senior economist at Ulster University’s Economic Policy Centre and also works with the ERC on projects relating to entrepreneurship, business demography and innovation. She is involved primarily in firm-level economic research utilising micro-data to examine aspects of firm performance in both Northern Ireland and the UK. Karen works with ERC members to produce the UK Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Other recent projects include those for BEIS, DfE, and Scottish Enterprise. Previously she worked as a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Queen’s University, Belfast.
Professor Richard Evans
Professor of Urban and Regional policy at the European Institute for Urban Affairs
Richard Evans is Acting Director and Professor of Urban and Regional Policy at the European Institute for Urban Affairs (EIUA), Liverpool John Moores University, a research and consultancy group with an international reputation for its urban and regional research. Many of its landmark reports such as State of the English Cities Report for ODPM, Second Tier Cities in Europe for ESPON, Impact of the Recession on Liverpool and Bristol, and the Competitiveness of British and European cities, both for the ESRC, involved extensive data audits, data collection and analysis including use of innovation indices.
Richard has over thirty years of experience in planning, economic development and urban regeneration, urban and regional policy and evaluation. He recently prepared a prospectus of Liverpool Knowledge Quarter and its innovation assets and has just led a research project which mapped local comparative strengths in innovation for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Richard was previously Reader in Urban Studies at the European Institute, a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Urban Studies, University of Liverpool and before that held planning and economic development posts in a number of local authorities. He holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Studies from Liverpool John Moores University, a Masters in Civic Design from the University of Liverpool and an MA Hons in Geography from the University of Oxford.
Professor Philip Shapira
Professor of Innovation Management and Policy at Manchester Institute for Innovation Research, Manchester Business School
Philip Shapira is Professor of Innovation Management and Policy with the Manchester Institute for Innovation Research at Manchester Business School and also Professor of Public Policy at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.
He teaches and conducts research on industrial competitiveness, innovation and technology policy, economic and regional development, and policy evaluation.
Dr Jane Galsworthy
Director of Business Development, Oxford Innovation
Jane is a Director at Oxford Innovation delivering innovation advisory and coaching programmes to high growth businesses. Using Oxford Innovation’s bespoke diagnostic tools, these programmes deliver tailored coaching, training and advice to businesses to commercialise new products and services. Jane currently also heads up the Enterprise Europe Network Observatory which provides analysis and insight to delivery teams and policy makers on how to best encourage and support innovation.