Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the ERC is the UK’s leading centre of excellence for research into the growth, innovation and productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Our research helps shape better policies and practices that enable SMEs to thrive.
The State of Small Business Britain 2022: From Crisis to Crisis
The latest ERC State of Small Business Britain report has been published today. The report is the centre’s annual review of trends affecting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK and discusses the findings from research and analysis carried out and/or published by the ERC in 2022 including the results from our second ‘Business… Read more
ERC Research Showcase 2023
The ERC will be holding a Research Showcase event on 26th January at The Shard where we will discuss new and ongoing research on themes including mental health, innovation, rural enterprise and internationalisation. 26th January, WBS at The Shard 12.00 – 4.00 This is an in-person only event and registration is essential.
Call for proposals- Longitudinal Small Business Survey
Proposals are invited by BEIS for secondary analyses of the Longitudinal Small Business Survey. Five awards of £5,000 are available. Applications for funding should be submitted to Jiao Liu at ERC (CentreManager@enterpriseresearch.ac.uk) by 5pm on 16th December 2022. Successful bids will be announced by 9 January 2023. Funded activity should be completed by end-April 2023. Full… Read more
Jane Galsworthy appointed as new ERC Steering Group Chair
Jane Galsworthy, Managing Director of Oxford Innovation Advice, has been appointed as the new independent Chair of the Enterprise Research Centre’s Steering Group. Jane replaces Lucy Armstrong, Chief Executive of The Alchemists, who had Chaired the ERC Steering Group since 2013. Over the last 20 years, Jane has been focused on ensuring that SME policy… Read more
Science + Social Science + Investment = Levelling up
Levelling-up seems destined to remain central to the priorities of the Rishi Sunak government. Last week, addressing the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) conference, ex-Conservative politician Justine Greening, and Charlie Jeffrey (University of York) talked passionately about the convening power of universities in leading strong and impactful local projects. Both also emphasised the… Read more
ERC @ ISBE 2022
Several members of the ERC team took part in the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) conference in York on 27th and 28th October. The conference theme this year was ‘New Approaches to Raising Entrepreneurial Opportunity: Reshaping Inclusive Enterprise, Policy and Practice Post-Pandemic’. ERC staff presented papers on a range of themes including innovation… Read more
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