The State of Small Business Britain Conference 2023
The Shard
32 London Bridge St,
June 21, 2023 10:30 - June 21, 2023 15:30
*In person Registration via this page is now closed. please email *
The 8th annual ERC State of Small Business Britain Conference will take place this year on Wednesday 21st June at The Shard in London. The conference has become a ‘must-attend’ event for those working in enterprise research, support and policy. The conference theme this year is ’SME Futures’. We will be celebrating the ERC’s 10-year anniversary at the event. We will reflect on what we have learnt from a decade of research insights, consider what the next ten years might hold for SMEs, and discuss what support small businesses will need to thrive. We will present insights from ERC research as well as creating stimulating dialogue with a mix of academic, business and policy speakers.