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Research Paper
Do firms really learn from failure? The dynamics of abandoned innovation.
Published: 17 June 2020
ERC Research Paper No 88
Policy Briefing
Do firms really learn from failure? The dynamics of abandoned innovation.
Published: 17 June 2020
ERC Policy Briefing
Research Paper
The roles and effectiveness of design in new product development: a study of Irish manufacturers. Research Paper No. 41
Published: 10 May 2016
ERC Research Paper No 41
Research Paper
Openness and Innovation Performance: Are Small Firms Different? Research Paper No 12.
Published: 1 November 2013
Traditionally, literature on open innovation ( the number of links a firm has to customers, suppliers and other firms) has concentrated on analysis of larger firms. This paper explores if and how the benefits of openness in innovation are different for small firms compared to medium and large ones. It suggests that small firms can benefit disproportionately from adopting open innovation approaches but that they reach the benefits of this approach at lower levels than medium and larger firms making the choice of innovation partner critical.
Research Paper