Rita Nana-Cheraa

Research Fellow

Rita Nana-Cheraa holds a Ph.D. in Business and Management at the Warwick Business School researching on innovations among SME's. Rita gained her BSc in Mathematics at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and her MSc in Economics and Econometrics at the University of Nottingham. Nana also has experience in retail banking, business development, and interbank money market dealing.

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Rita Nana-Cheraa holds a Ph.D. in Business and Management at the Warwick Business School researching on innovations among SME’s. Rita gained her BSc in Mathematics at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and her MSc in Economics and Econometrics at the University of Nottingham. Nana also has experience in retail banking, business development, and interbank money market dealing.

Research Report

Leadership diversity, business advice and firm-level innovation outcomes

ERC Research report



Research Report

Innovation state of the Nation Survey 2023

ERC Research report



Research Report
SOTA Review
Research Report

Understanding sectoral absorptive capacity in the UK – a new analysis

ERC Research Report
