Research Report

UK Local Growth Dashboard 2019

ERC Research Report



Associated Themes
  • Business Growth

The UK Local Growth Dashboard has been developed by the Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) and builds on the LEP Growth Dashboard first launched in June 2014. Its purpose is to present a set of growth metrics for start-ups and existing firms across a range of sub-national geographies in the UK with a specific focus on each of the 38 English Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas. Alongside these metrics it provides some other contextual data for each LEP including the changing sectoral composition of local economies over time.
The Local Growth Dashboard can be used as a source of evidence to inform discussions on priorities in business support concerning small business growth and includes easily understood metrics which can be readily updated on an annual basis. This report is designed to simply present the data for others to use and it is not the intention here to investigate the reasons for these variations as that can be found elsewhere in the research outputs of the ERC and the wider research and policy literature.
